Robert Davis Lists Various Tools Available to Students During COVID-19

Robert Davis RD Heritage
3 min readApr 6, 2020


As the collective anxiety levels spiral from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vitally important for students to constructively engage the mind and utilize all of the online resources at their disposal.

Mental health conditions affect one in five people and one in two are at risk of developing them, so it is essential that everyone attend to this matter over the coming weeks.

To ensure that you are not bereft of sufficient online opportunities, Robert Davis, co-founder of the RD Heritage Group in Las Vegas, Nevada, has compiled a list of useful tools that will keep you informed and productive.

Webinars and Workshops

Social distancing measures are becoming strict and, with plenty of people now housebound, you will find no shortage of online webinars and workshops to view, Robert Davis says. Topics range from meditation and mindfulness to traditional behavioral health services and creditable isolation techniques.

For example, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence recently hosted a series of webinars that focused on methods of maintaining emotional health and developing resilience. Also, earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention broadcasted a webinar that reviewed its guidance for community settings and environmental disinfection. Their discussion concentrated on how libraries, archives, and museums can be instrumental in mitigating COVID-19, followed by a question and answer period. Try to somewhat divert your attention away from the coronavirus’ horrific consequences and occupy yourself within these online, social gatherings.

Cordial Online Connecting

Many online communities are available to connect students with their peers instantly. Just a few examples are: Mental Health America’s “Inspire Community”, an online platform that unites people to discuss a plethora of topics, especially mental health; the Lyf App is a social media application that allows users to share deeply private thoughts in a non-judgmental environment, whether it is anonymously or after a person identifies his or herself; #JustCheckingIn is a campaign intended to connect people who are already practicing social distancing and to welcome others to join; Warmlines provides swift, confidential support before one reaches a point of emotional crisis, and the staff is composed of individuals who have endured mental health conditions themselves; and there is a subreddit, “/r/COVID19-support”, that assists and supports anyone who is largely overwhelmed by COVID-19’s effects.

Robert Davis on Learning Tools

You can use this newfound free time to enrich your education on numerous subjects, notes Robert Davis of RD Heritage. There are tons of online options to explore, such as: Alchemie (an app, free from now until June 30, that lets students learn and practice reaction mechanisms by moving individual bonds and electrons), Amazon Future Engineer (a virtual robotics program that caters to second graders learning block based coding, high school students working on text based coding and anywhere in between), BeeLine Reader (assists students with their on-screen reading efficiency, implementing a technology that is supported by educational research and the recipient of social impact awards from the United Nations and Stanford University), BlocksCAD (providing free access to anyone who is in a closed school for the remainder of the year, this program enhances math and computer skills with a block-based coding platform that allows students to create and manipulate 3D objects in a manner that relies on their geometry and computational thinking adroitness) and Handwriting Heroes (a multisensory handwriting curriculum that instructs children how to form their letters via animations, songs and stories).



Robert Davis RD Heritage
Robert Davis RD Heritage

Written by Robert Davis RD Heritage

Founder of RD Heritage Group from Las Vegas, Nevada

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